Russie.NEI.Visions (RNV [1])is an online collection of policy papers each in French, English and Russian produced by the Russia/New Independent States Centre of the French Institute of International Relations (Institut français des relations internationales, Ifri), a think tank. The collection promotes the publication of policy oriented analyses of events in the post-Soviet space, authored by established experts and up-and-coming analysts.
Created in 2005, today the collection is directed by Thomas Gomart and Tatiana Kastueva-Jean with the help of Dominic Fean and Catherine Méniane. Since its creation, a paper collecting the year's production has been published annually.
The collection offers regular analysis of events in the former Soviet states, peer-reviewed and translated into all three languages. The collection has been cited in academic works as well as in the media.
The whole articles can be found on the following e-library :
"Russia, NATO and the EU: A European Security Triangle or Shades of a New Entente ?", Andrew Monaghan
"The EU and Russia: the Needed Balance Between Geopolitics and Regionalism", Thomas Gomart
"Representing Private Interests to Increase Trust in Russia-EU Relations", Timofei Bordachev
"Multiplying Sources as the Best Strategy for EU-Russia Energy Relations", Michael Thumann
Launched in September 2009, Russie.Nei.Reports is an electronic collection providing extensive analysis based on fieldwork. Papers are published either in French or in English.